Saturday, May 19, 2007

Graduation Event

What are you doing to recognize your seniors for graduation? Over the years we have done a variety of things to give these students the props they deserve. Here is a short list of ideas that perhaps you can utilize.

– Personalized Elements – Ask all the seniors to contribute all their favorite personal pics and songs and have them loop in the beginning of the service. You could also create a “Know the Seniors Quiz” including questions about favorite quotes, best memories, etc.

– Have someone write a letter to them – Every graduating student is honored by someone reading a letter about them. The student can choose anyone they wish. Typically it’s a parent, but there have been many ministry leaders, teachers, and even fellow students chosen for the letter writing. There won’t be a dry eye in the place!

Make it a banquet – Allow the seniors to invite guests, serve awesome desserts (or even a meal), and bring a little formality to the event. We seat people at round tables and spice up the room with decorations.

Give meaningful gifts - Give them something they will keep for the duration. I’ve went to Five Below and bought little items to utilize in an object style lesson, but for the past two years I’ve kept it simple. Every senior receives a Bible (This year it is the TNIV College Edition – see resource list) with a personal message from me written on a blank cover page and a devotional of some sort. Hopefully with a message inside they’ll never get rid of it J

Give them a gift from everyone – Give other students and adult leaders the opportunity to write all the seniors a message. You can simply put up a piece of poster board up at the event or like my friend Tony in MD, you can purchase a blank journal from the dollar store have these books available for an entire month at youth group.

– Pray for your seniors – Gather your seniors in a huddle and send them off in prayer.

Hope you have a great event!

1 comment:

Diane Karchner said...

Matt - your blog is awesome!! There is a real sense of dedication to what you are doing that underlies your words. Keep it up - it will bless many weary youth workers!!