Friday, August 31, 2007


So I finally broke down and got an Ipod. Although I've had a shuffle for a while for activities I finally forked out the money for a nano. One of the primary reasons for the purchase was the ability to listen to Podcasts. My drive times are now opportunities to learn a few things or to listen to some entertainment that I actually care about. For me it's like Tivo... I'm not watching more TV, I'm watching better TV!

I'm sure my subscriptions will change in the future, but as of now here they are...

As you can tell, I enjoy listening to other communicators (none of which compare with BRIAN JONES:) ). Youth Ministry specific stuff comes from Simply Junior High, Simply Youth Ministry, Youth Specialties, and the Source for Youth Ministry. The rest are either entertainment or leadership training.

If you don't have an Ipod yet... go get one and get Podcasting! Did I mention that all of those listed above are free!

Also, post any of your favorites that I should check out!

1 comment:

steph said...

You'll have to show me how to find and download podcasts. What a great idea.