Friday, August 31, 2007


So I finally broke down and got an Ipod. Although I've had a shuffle for a while for activities I finally forked out the money for a nano. One of the primary reasons for the purchase was the ability to listen to Podcasts. My drive times are now opportunities to learn a few things or to listen to some entertainment that I actually care about. For me it's like Tivo... I'm not watching more TV, I'm watching better TV!

I'm sure my subscriptions will change in the future, but as of now here they are...

As you can tell, I enjoy listening to other communicators (none of which compare with BRIAN JONES:) ). Youth Ministry specific stuff comes from Simply Junior High, Simply Youth Ministry, Youth Specialties, and the Source for Youth Ministry. The rest are either entertainment or leadership training.

If you don't have an Ipod yet... go get one and get Podcasting! Did I mention that all of those listed above are free!

Also, post any of your favorites that I should check out!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Rise and Shine

So... the early bird gets the worm. I'll settle for a bowl of cereal or perhaps some eggs and bacon. At least that's what I've said for the longest time. It seems everyone I talk to who has a consistent daily quite time with God, does so at the crack of dawn (or earlier)!

My argument has always been I function on Vampire time. I have always possessed the most energy in the evening. The times I did the early morning thing it would only take 1 late night and BANG, I'm sleeping in again and going back to my preferred schedule. I would get up at 7:00 (high school students would have to get up earlier than me!) and still be able to have at least a 1/2 hour of time to read and pray. But then out of nowhere my son became mobile. It happened just a little over 2 months ago. Poor little dude can't get up when he falls, but he can get around as long as he's up.

While reading I would here him running around and screaming and in that moment I wanted to just be with him. I would call whatever time I had spent reading and praying, be it 25, 15, or occassionally 5 minutes, as "good enough" for the day. After all I would inevitably have God moments throughout the day.

Well for me the well began running a little dry. Not concrete, but not fresh water either. So I made the decision to join the early bird club and get up at 5:??. It's quite a feeling to look out your window and see that no one else is awake in your neighborhood, no lights are on. It really gives you a feeling that it is just you and God.

I then go down to the basement and spend some time with God. I can't say I feel perky when I get up yet, but I am excited to actually have some time to think, pray, journal, read, and reflect. I feel the water's rising in the well.

So when is your quiet time? God is available 24x7 not only in the wee hours of morning, but when are you available. If you're like me, good intentions to read in the evening fell victim to catching up with my TIVO shows. Morning became a necessity.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Leader Retreat 07

For the longest time I've wanted to take the adult leaders on a retreat to provide them an opportunity to bond together, get refreshed, and even take on some training. The solution in the past has been to invite our leaders to join me on a trip to a student ministry conference such as NYWC, NYMC, or Willow Creek's SMC. The current number of volunteers as well as the addition of student leaders has limited that options appeal. I knew in order to effectively train and motivate our leaders we would need to put on our own retreat. To me that sounded like a daunting but necessary task.

While in a forum at the Orchard Group retreat, a meeting designed for the churches planted by the Orchard Group, I began to network with the other youth ministers. One of them, Jon Hentrich, said he had been putting on retreats for the last few years. After a few discussions we determined that we should team up and do one together.

Last weekend we had our first. We met at a church in the heart of Brooklyn (NYC baby). Although the accommodations were not at the Hilton caliber, we had a great time. The format was very simple and flexible...

Friday - We arrived late in the evening and had a time of Worship and Prayer.

Saturday - Pancakes and Eggs for breakfast! Through the course of the day we kept the same format for three training topics: First, watch a conference DVD, then have a large group discussion, followed by a breakout within our own ministries. Our topics were mentoring youth, the Sunday night program, and personal evangelism. Following the training we went to Time Square for dinner and to hang out.

It's amazing what you can do in a day and a half. I am convinced that these retreats are invaluable to your ministry. You know the ways conferences impact your students; don't expect any less from a retreat for your adults. Take care and have a great retreat!